Porthkerris Divers | Scuba Diving in Cornwall, UK. All images are subject to copyright © | Aerial Cornwall | Mark Webster | Tony Sutton | Daan Verhoeven | Lewis Jefferies

Shark Trips

Shark trips in Cornwall

Basking Sharks

Adult basking sharks can measure up to 39 feet (12 metres) in length and can weigh up to 7 tonnes. They are the second largest species of shark in the world, after the whale shark. They are harmless plankton feeders and can live up to 50 years.

The main season in Cornwall for these gentle giants is around mid may through to late June. Although they can be seen in the months before and after this. They usually start to appear when the water temperature hits 13 degrees and we get our second plankton cycle. They then follow the plankton bloom up to Scotland and beyond. They can filter around 1000-2000 cubic metres of seawater per hour and can be found in large schools of over 100 sharks. Cornwall is one of the best places to see basking sharks and the water clarity of up to 20 metres gives underwater photographers optimum conditions to take their photographs.

Our basking shark trips can be run in 2 ways. Either divers book the bigger hardboat, the Celtic Cat in advance as a dive trip and if the sharks are around for that date booked, then they can upgrade to a shark trip. Follow our social media pages where we will advertise these trips on a first come, first serve basis. Importantly, these trips are strictly snorkelling trips, we follow a strict code of conduct set out by WiSe. We do not take people out unless we feel that the conditions are right and sightings have regularly occurred and that we feel that there is at least a 75% chance of seeing the sharks. The trips cost £100 per person.

  • Second largest shark species in the world
  • Adults can grow up to 12 metres
  • Harmless plankton feeders
  • Water temperature - 13 degrees
  • Trips from mid May to late June
  • Strictly snorkelling trips
  • £150 per person
  • Trips advertised on our social media pages

Blue Sharks

The blue shark is an open-ocean pelagic species. It visits the UK seas in summer months between June and September. They are active predators and feed mainly on small fish like anchovies and squid, but also mackeral, seals and even birds. They have been recorded at depths of up to 350m. The largest blue shark ever caught in UK seas weighed a whopping 256lbs (116kg) and measured over 9ft (2.74m). They are normally seen over 10 miles off shore.

Like the basking shark trips, we can organise the trips in one of 2 ways: Either divers book the bigger hardboat, the Celtic Cat in advance as a dive trip and if the sharks are around for that date booked, then they can upgrade to a shark trip. Follow our social media pages where we will advertise these trips on a first come, first serve basis.

Importantly, these trips are strictly snorkelling trips. We follow a strict code of conduct set out by WiSe. We do not take people out unless we feel that the conditions are right and sightings have regularly occurred and that we feel that there is at least a 75% chance of seeing the sharks. The trips usually last about 6 hours, usually going 15 – 20 miles off shore. These trips cost £150 per person.

  • Open-ocean pelagic species
  • Can grow up to 9 feet
  • Normally seen over 10 miles off shore
  • Best months between June and September
  • Trips last between 6 hours
  • Strictly snorkelling trips
  • £180 per person
  • Trips advertised on our social media pages